Drinking Cacao…
Drinking Cacao and some of the questions that come with it…
I am often asked how often I drink or how often to drink cacao.
If you know me you’ll know I’m not one to tell people what to do, or someone who adheres to any one size fits all approach. But I also totally get that after my many years of drinking it, I’m a good person to ask. And I love that people want to build a relationship with this plant and thus want to check-in about what that might look like.
I have had years when I drank cacao most days. In New York I was probably drinking cacao twice a day! And nowadays I have had to cut back because of a liver issue (problem processing fats and cacao is high in (good) fats) In fact for 2 years I could barely drink it at all (spirit has a sense of humour).
The next question is when to drink cacao? Again I used to drink in the morning. Now I like it as an afternoon break. (I already naturally have a lot of energy in the morning) And then how to drink it; should it always be in ritual or ceremony, can it be a coffee replacement?
What I love about this medicine is that it invites you to tune in to your own responses to all of this and more. To listen to your body, to recognise that there is no right or wrong. What works for me might not work for you. Some people prefer cacao on an empty stomach. I often like to have something in my belly before I drink. Some people need 3 hours to sit with the medicine and let it do its work with them. Others need 20 minutes in the morning to tune in and then begin their day. And both could be true for you. Maybe you like to drink cacao by yourself, its your way of being with you. Or maybe you like to share it with a friend. I think we can receive differently from the medicine depending on how we are working with it; so if I’m able to create an hour or two to let myself just be with the medicine I will. And I try to do this once a week. But cacao is delicious, and brings such joy so I understand the daily desire; if it weren’t for my liver I’d absolutely still be drinking everyday with the caveat that every now and then it is good to check in. This check in with yourself is a beautiful way to ask why you are drinking, to keep making sure the relationship is contributing positively. To ensure your body does want to have the medicine in your system that day, that moment. And we aren’t perfect. We can make mistakes.
Another piece I wish to mention is cacao as a medicine (of any plant when used as a medicine) is the more you do, the less you need. I can’t drink a huge cup of cacao anymore, 15-20 grams is all I need. (and my liver is happier about that too) And the amount of cacao will also vary depending on the cacao you are working with. The medicine from Ruk’u’x Ulew (Love Bean Cacao) is very strong, its likely you need less of it and can reach beautiful deep spaces, am I biased? Maybe.
And this leads me to share that in the coming weeks (depending when you’re reading this) there will be a NEW cacao available in the Love Bean Cacao store! I won’t say more just yet but its delicious and beautiful and in alignment with the values of Love Bean Cacao and offers you another energy to work with… all will be revealed soon!